TOP Goal Setting

Goal Setting Event

The Goal Setting Event provides clarity on potential common goals. As TOP Coalitions are multilateral, purpose-oriented collaborations to achieve a common goals, the Goal Setting forms the basis for any coalition. Even before a coalition can be formed, at least one person needs to have a clear goal to invite others to collaborate.

A set of mutually agreed-upon goals that align for all parties is called the "TOP Goal." The Goal Setting event provides clarity on the intent and content of this TOP Goal.

Expected Outcome

The key outcome is to have a common understanding of possible improvement goals, their relationship towards one another, and agreement on their priority order. The event is successful when a "TOP Goal" is agreed.


The TOP Goal Setting Event recurs as required. Potential triggers could be:
  • the accomplishment or invalidation of current goals,
  • the discovery of new, potentially significant goals,
  • an agreement for cyclical reoccurrence.

Event Agenda

Like all TOP Structure events, the goal setting event does not need to follow any specific agenda in order to achieve its purpose. This sample agenda may serve as a guideline for arranging a goal setting event.

Identify potential Using the TOP Goal Setting pattern, participants itemize the potential they see within each area. A few minutes of consideration should be given to each area.
Clustering People explain their points and similar and related items are clustered to improve clarity.
Reframing Based on the clusters, items are grouped and reframed to surface the underlying potential.
Filtering Identify the top few items, for example by voting on perceived importance.
Ranking The short list of items is ranked and ordered.
SMART'ing The highest ranked item is rephrased into a SMART Goal:
  • Specific - what do we want to achieve?
  • Measurable - how do we know we're making progress?
  • Ambitious - what's the difference we will make?
  • Realistic - how can we act on this goal?
  • Timebound - by when should we have achieved it?
Cross-Check Check whether the goal would:
  • be blocked by other items that would need to achieved first,
  • offer synergetic benefits that can be achieved as well.
  • have side effects that need to be considered
The goal description is adjusted accordingly.
Consensus Participants agree to take the defined goal as their TOP Goal.

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